I wrote in March 1991:
Listen to me and listen to me hard as I tell you that investors miss the boat over and over because (1) they insist on timing the market, (2) they insist on investing with emotion keyed to events of the moment, and (3) they steadfastly refuse to buy when news is bleak. It’s the old buy-high-sell-low game again and again.
Most investors regularly equate action with profits. But you don’t want a lot of action in your portfolio and you only need to follow a handful of indicators and a handful of investments. Most investors simply cannot help themselves, and that leads to Investor Overkill. The eye is just not kept on the ball. Make it easy on yourself—follow my advice and follow it today.
I don’t have all the answers. No one does. But I have built my own family portfolio to a seven figure level from ground zero by practicing the very basic slow-and-steady-wins-the-day disciplines I bring to you monthly. I started without a dime (no exaggeration) back in 1964, and I have spent 26 [ed. note, now 55], as a professional investment advisor practicing what I preach.
Investment Overkill still exists today. There are two ways to avoid it:
- Keep your investment plan simple. Don’t try to do too much. As an individual investor you lack the resources and time your competitors, institutional investors, can call into battle against you at any time.
- Hire a professional investment advisory to help you achieve your investment goals.
You can get a better understanding of the value offered by an investment advisory by signing up for the monthly client letter from my family run investment counsel firm, Richard C. Young & Co., Ltd. The letter is free even for non-clients. Signup today by clicking here.